Use "not what i was hoping for|not what i be hope for" in a sentence

1. Breathtaking was not what I expected

2. But I cannot take credit for what I did not do.

3. I am not now that which I have been.(I am not what I used to be.). 

4. I hope you understand what I.

5. 29 I am not now that which I have been.(I am not what I used to be.). 

6. I was in shock, I was pale, and I did not know what to say.

7. But it's not what I thought it would be.

8. That's not what I mean.

9. That's not what I meant.

10. For the good that I wish I do not do, but the bad that I do not wish is what I practice.”

11. 10 Celia: Darn, I was kinda hoping for a mistrial, not a bunch of background exposition...

12. I reluctantly said yes, not knowing what it was.

13. I am not materialistic and I am not snobby, I hope.

14. What I said was not true, but he fell for it hook, line and sinker.

15. I am not fussy about what I eat.

16. I hope they're not...

17. I did see what I was looking for.

18. Not what I miss, but I can not go back the past.

19. 24 I am not what you represent me to be.

20. For I dare not hope he is improved in essentials.

21. What I did was wrong and I should be punished. I'm not going to try and weasel out.

22. This is not what I ordered.

23. I soon discovered, however, that being a Shinto priest was not what I had expected it to be.

24. 17 What I said was not true, but he fell for it hook, line and sinker.

25. If I hurt you it's not what I wanted.

26. And I was appalled, because what I was reading [in the Gospel accounts] was not legend and it was not naturalistic fiction.

27. Conjecture each other, She is not already implied what? I was not unrequited love?

28. Although I was not charged, I went to court to see what would happen.

29. As for what would happen to theirs, I could not foretell, much less could I guarantee.

30. I'm not proud of what I have done, nor of what I am doing.

31. What emerged was not for the squeamish.

32. But they always responded peacefully, which was not what I expected.

33. I am not going to live forever , but while I am still here , I will not waste time lamenting what could have been , or worrying about what will be .

34. I hope I did not aggrieve her feeling.

35. I did not tell Marguerite what I had decided, for I was quite convinced that she would refuse to accept my deed of gift.

36. I told you, my hands not free kick for what( E- san's accent )

37. I do hope it's not going to be too valuable.

38. Occasionally I was hired for what I loved best —harvesting.

39. What can I possibly hope to gain?

40. What do I possibly hope to accomplish?

41. I hope you will bear out what I tell him.

42. I hope you will bear out what I tell them.

43. I hope you're not pining for the loss of Miss Eliza Bennet.

44. Well, I just hope that all their work is not for nothing.

45. Not too short notice, I hope.

46. I can not believe what a road hog that truck driver be.

47. I hope I'm not disturbing you.

48. I hope we're not delaying you

49. I hope he's not badly injured

50. I hope I'm not interrupting you.

51. And sometimes while I was shopping, when clerks would ask what I wanted, I could not answer them.

52. But not from mere duty will I do what I do.

53. Let's not discuss what I would or would not dare do.

54. I know what I have just said is simply not obvious.

55. What I need you to understand is this does not look good for you.

56. I did not know what Chastity devices were

57. ‘I have never eaten what is not clean.’

58. I did not fully comprehend what had happened.

59. I could not deny what I heard with my inner ear.

60. I was gratified that they appreciated what I did for them.

61. But you will see that the wealth I accumulated was not exactly what I had expected.

62. Do not misunderstand what I mean by loyalty.

63. This is just what I was looking for.

64. I didn't know what was the war for.

65. I was hoping for less metaphor, more longitude and latitude.

66. I am sorry about what happened ... He told the judge that he would not be instructed for the retrial.

67. I didn't know yet if the house was occupied or not so I was hoping I wouldn't get Bawled out by someone who thought I was trespassing.

68. “THE good that I wish I do not do, but the bad that I do not wish is what I practice.”

69. This time, come what may, I was not about to let them interfere.

70. For example, I used to be very picky about what I ate.

71. Um, I hope I'm not bothering you.

72. 12 'I won't let you down.' 'I sincerely hope not.'

73. I did what I did not to slight you, but because I loved another.

74. And since I am not crazy..... I don't care what anybody thinks!

75. I know, but I keep hoping for you, pumpkin.

76. I hope you're not talking about me.

77. I hope I've not mistaken the day.

78. Not only am I alive but I also have hope.

79. I was hoping on-

80. Personally, I hope will be reprinted, but apparently is not absolutely Fewture programs, at least for the moment.